The world's all about greed that's what the DNC is about than most politicians for that matter. But I know God's on the throne Christ Jesus died for us all. My prayer is that Our Heavenly Father will use what's meant for darkness and out of it emerge light and truth over the world to see. Thank you Sean for your updates thank you for being a servant of Christ Jesus.

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And the RNC

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Our church hosted a preview of the 1916 Project movie last night. The film chronicles the history of Planned Parenthood, its founder, Margaret Sanger, and the various founding fathers of eugenics. All of these bringing us to the "culture of death" we are now living in. Go to the White Rose Resistance to learn more.

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Now do the RNC. With their grifters, child molesters,and sexual abusers.

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This is not about political parties but about the 65million babies slaughtered by abortion. Titus 3;9, are you trying to be divisive?

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So we shouldn’t care of sexual abusers of children? Wow

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My heart breaks for the many lives sacrificed at the altar of convenience. But, my heart also breaks for the women who've been lied to. They're told they'll get on with their lives. Not true. Women, even those who continue to shout "reproductive freedom" carry the scars left by every abortion. It may show up as problems with relationships, intimacy issues, shame, or obsession with the children they have after their abortion (known as the atonement child). They can have health consequences. Most importantly, it can create a wall between them and a relationship with Jesus Christ. Women deserve to know the truth. Access to abortion does not get them freedom. It does just the opposite.

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Democrat/Communists are treating men and women like cats and dogs with their mobile "spay and neuter" clinc at the DNC convention. Also, like cats and dogs, food to manipulate those who can't resist. Legalizing marijuana and allowing fentanyl to flourish, spreading apathy throughout our country is similar to the Opium Wars in China in the 1800s. The Chinese are buying up a lot of our country's farmland to invade at a later time. Where are those 200,000 Chinese, military-aged men who came through the Biden/Harris open border? How will this get fixed when even my 80-year old friends think abortion is a right? I am in the minority among these friends and just keep my mouth shut. I'm 78 years old.

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The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints have been speaking out against killing babies since the 1830's. (yes, abortions were committed back then) D&C Section 109 verse 43. "O Lord, we delight not in the destruction of our fellow men; their souls are precious before thee;" Also John Taylor spoke out against those Democrats passing laws against polygamy, saying they had no moral high ground when they were killing babies by the 10's of thousands. The same still holds true today, they have no moral high ground to speak to us about anything; climate change, taxes, etc...

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An excellent commentary on the condition of our culture of death here in the USA. Few are reading God's word today to understand his requirements and to build a relationship with him. I pray that this changes before it's too late.

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Dear Sean….THANK YOU for being a Lighthouse in this world that seems blind to our SAVIOR. The Bible warns us of such a phenomenon, and ALL should BEWARE of the EVIL!! Let us continue to PRAY that the LORD will NOT give victory to these Satanic worshippers who believe in murder, altering a child’s sexual identity, etc. As the Bible says…”GOD will not be MOCKED! HE has the final say!! So, we ALL will continue to PRAY!!!🙏

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I am writing here in response to this article and your short video I got following your devotional time in your backyard (just before you head to your sons football practice). I am hoping to gather the funds to be in Washington DC on October 25 & 26. Praying fervently to the Lord to get me there because He has stirred up my heart and I have a spine in Him. I have such a strong urging to be there. I will have you lay hands on me when I get there. God is moving in a mighty way and it IS His time to elevate my ministry to save babies. I have a story and He wants it heard. Please pray that I get the funds to be with Let Us Worship. And lastly the song you wrote, “Extravagant” has anointed my life from the first time I heard it. Powerful, personal truth the God drenches me in every single time I play it. Thank you for your bold leadership. I desire to also be know as “crazy” and to lead with no reservation. It’s Jesus only. Jesus the Savior of the World. Forever He reigns!!!

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This is not about political parties but it’s about the 65 millions of innocent babies slaughtered by abortion and most christians are not doing anything about it. Stop killing the babies. Please stop your division.

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Sorry, that last sentence was not for Sean. I totally agree with Sean! Thank you Sean for giving us and sharing with us the truth!

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Exactly, Sean. We believers should all be saddened by the DNC’s deplorable conduct. Yes, my mind went straight to the practices of the people whit Moloch. We are ALL sinners in need of a Savior, and saved by the grace of our Creator, The Almighty God. So much to pray for and take action as His army. 💔✝️✡️

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