For all the technology and sophistication modern America enjoys, much of our population still clings to the most ancient of evils...human sacrifice.
Human Sacrifice has been ever-present throughout history, from the Old Testament accounts of children sacrificed to Moloch, to the Mayan and Aztec civilizations sacrificing children in temple rituals, right up to today’s Democratic Party and their fanatical devotion to child murder.
And like all sin, it starts small and grows. Left unchecked, and it escalates to all our wickedness. In 1992, President Bill Clinton argued abortion should be “safe, legal and rare.” Fast forward to today’s Democratic Party, and the message is “Shout your abortion!” As I am writing this, a mobile abortion clinic is parked outside the DNC convention, aborting children without shame or scandal. They have already boasted that 25 little dreams of God have been destroyed since the opening "prayer" of the convention.
The left is a death cult. While Chicago, the convention's host city, is overrun with murders, drug overdoses, and suicides, the convention is creating its own death.
Let’s not forget the men. The mobile "clinic" will also be medically sterilizing men, robbing them of a future of fatherhood. And for what? The left hates families and hates children because they are the Lord's design and plan for humanity. This is nothing more than a rejection of Him.
In Luke 18:16, Jesus makes his view on children clear: “Then Jesus called for the children and said to the disciples, ‘Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children.’” Psalm 127:3 says, “Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.”
And yet, so many choose to reject the gift of children while sacrificing them on the altar of convenience. Sadly, this is not the only free gift humanity rejects in mass— salvation is another. While what we are witnessing stirs up righteous anger, it should also bring forth great sadness in all Believers.
I have spent this week praying for the DNC Convention because I know that no one is too far gone for the Gospel. God turned Saul into Paul, the most prolific author of the New Testament, and I believe that out of this convention could rise a new leader for the Gospel!
Pray that out of the darkness emerges a light, that out of the lies truth comes out, and out of the death comes a new wave of life for America. Because Jesus came to this earth “that [we] may have life, and have it to the full.”
The world's all about greed that's what the DNC is about than most politicians for that matter. But I know God's on the throne Christ Jesus died for us all. My prayer is that Our Heavenly Father will use what's meant for darkness and out of it emerge light and truth over the world to see. Thank you Sean for your updates thank you for being a servant of Christ Jesus.
Our church hosted a preview of the 1916 Project movie last night. The film chronicles the history of Planned Parenthood, its founder, Margaret Sanger, and the various founding fathers of eugenics. All of these bringing us to the "culture of death" we are now living in. Go to the White Rose Resistance to learn more.