Let’s hear your take, once you left your position at the church you have been weaponizing the Bible. Telling people to fight against the govt by fear mongering. You would love it if we cast out everything that isn’t Christian and every facet of society be Christian. Guess what, that’s Christian nationalism. You want to live like a Muslim nation where the laws follow the religion. That’s not America, its freedom of religion and society can do what they want. Good try though
Sean that was a bit wish washy to be honest you sound like your running for office. Putting out sound bites but no real substance. I'm no Biden supporter but didn't he come up with a good solution that the Republican were on board with about the border and Trump scutted it because he doesn't want the border issue solved now as he needs if to help him win. Hows that for I really care about my country.Wasn't Biden at the border yesterday and talking about practical solutions while Trump was mouthing off drivel without any real policy. Trump supporters are MAGA who will believe anything he says and rich people who dont care about anything but lower taxes.. He needs to win the middle ground to win and currently 30- 40% of republicans wont vote for him. So he will win teh nomination and probably the election. Having said that the dems are looking shakey with an elderly prez.
No I didn't like that at all.. actually.. if you are going to write on Substack you need to be more precise as to WHOM you are talking about. Your statement about the Border is total nonsense. The Border needs to be SEALED NOW. China, and Mexico have full operational control over our Border thanks to BIDEN. Trump supporters who are MAGA what does even mean to quote YOBAMA. MAGA means Make America Great Again.. quoted from Reagan. Trump did a decent job the first time and we need an AMERICA FIRST, shut the border, Open up the OIL pipelines. stop w the climate change nonsense and funding the ENTIRE WORLD.. My father and many of my friend's died in useless WARS .. the Democrats are the party of the WAR, and RACISM and I am tired of hearing the crap.. spewed by the Democrats who have allowed their "party" to be hijacked by the LEFT PRO PALESTINE maniacs who burned the streets down in 2020. I don't know what rock you lived under during the LOCK DOWNS.. but everyone is out and figured it out, perfect name you picked for yourself too. so you do have a brain,,
Oh dear you are getting worked up. Agree a country should not have people crossing a border undocumented. Trump didn't do much about it in his term even though he promised the earth and Mexico never paid a cent towards it. The wall was always a stupid idea you'd think theer must be technology that could monitor the whole border remotely now and have teams of ready reaction forces stationed along the border .
You sound very insular, the US has always been a force for good in the world defending those who have been oppressed by evil but now there is a movement amongst many in the country who say to hell with the rest of world. We dont give a rip. So you have Putin acting under the same spirit as Hitler did against Poland acting on false pretenses. The US is called to defend the weak and if it turns its back on the world I wouldn't be surprised if it went backwards economically. Both Trump and Biden did or are doing a terrible job on the deficit currently at 34 trillion which is insane and the average person cant even comprehend that amount of money.
Maybe the biggest problem is people dont have impartial sources of information now so you read stuff saying China controls the boderrer and Biden sacrifices children or something similar and left think anyone who speaks against the queer lifestyle absolutely hates all gays. So the country is divided by information flows
Trump said at his rally in Florida last night. That no. Terrorist came in under his watch now we have terrace pouring in this country ,trump didn't believe that but it was the border patrol that told him that was the truth. We added more secure butter under Trump than we do with Joe Biden. Cuz it was
No, he did not come up with a good solution for the border. The devil is in the details and there were a, lot of them buried in the bill. I am an Independent and keep myself well informed. I was an administrative law attorney and hearing officer. I read and interpreted statues for a living.
Why is that ? I could never vote fro him as hes not pro life and hes pro queer rights but hes doing OK on the economy. The problem with the Trump party that used to be called Republicans its now a RINO party is they have a terrible candidate.
The reason she's saying we won't have a country anymore is because when you put something last it doesn't mean anything to you. And you put something first. You mean it and you want to protect it. Protect the freedoms we have. Trump fights for our freedom. Joe Biden does not. Pro-life means pro-life not pro-choice Donald Trump
Thank you Sean for the clarity. The first time I heard that term was in 2020 during a message being delivered by a woke pastor at the mega church I was attending at the time. I’ve always been confused by the term. Thank you for clearing up that confusion. I do think it’s funny how the liberals try to make it derogatory. To me, there’s nothing derogatory about being a Christian or a nationalist. Put the two together and Bam! Powerful. 💪🙌
Great article. I would go further and point out that the demonization of Christian Nationalists is for a purpose greater than voter suppression. They don't just want a nation which has no borders, abortions on demand, and radical gender theory (they want so many things I can't list them). Demonization of your enemies is what allows you to do horrific things to them. They seem like they think for themselves, but they have given themselves over to a force greater than them. Their master seeks the destruction of America because he hopes to rebuild his Babel. He's so close to achieving it. And not only do we all have to speak the same tongue to recreate Babel, we all have to think like he does. As long as Christians exist, we are an existential threat to his plans. We don't fight humans, but spirits and principalities. Those that are captured by Satan need our prayers and they need us to tell the truth (even when they hate us and wish us dead.). Great article. Thanks for sharing.
Progressive Christians do not hate Christian Nationalists. We hate what you are doing in the name of Christianity. Christians are not persecuted in America. They are privileged and seeking power only. You only follow the Right as prescribed by the 'golden calf' Trump and you've lost sight of Jesus'vision for the poor, the disenfranchised, the widow. Let's talk to Jesus about secure borders. He could have cared less. We hate that you are dictating one version of scripture interpretation on the rest of us, through usurping public policy in your Seven Mountains. We hate that your tunnel vision creates one culture war approach that does not speak for many. This is not what all Christians want to see. Many of us Christians simply see scripture differently, and there are thousands of interpretations of scripture. You act as 'holier than thou' and You are becoming pharisees, legalistic and tied to one man, Donald Trump and ONE interpretation of Scripture. You have stopped listening.
There were many political problems in the Roman Empire of Christ's day, and in Roman occupied Palestine. Christ did not talk about them. His message was, among other things, that there will be a resurrection from the dead and a day of judgment. He said "Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation." I wonder if your progressive Christianity includes this.
Christ did not tell the government how to govern - but Paul says in Romans chapter 13 that God has given governments the power to keep the peace. The duty of the American government is to secure the peace and safety of its citizens, not to save the planet or cause economic and political chaos by destructive polices. Specifically, Biden as President is supposed to be enforcing the laws concerning entry into the country. This is not what he is doing. He is arbitrarily picking and choosing which laws he feels like enforcing, which makes the law the whim of the President, with complete indifference to what the American people might want or think.
more than you do. There are either born again Christians or no Christians, but there is no such thing as a “Progressive” Christian, because that term defines what man wants, not what God wants. Regenerated Christians want what He wants because they’ve become a new creature in Christ. Progressive Christians aren’t born again.
I am a Christian and an anti-globalist so therefore I am a Christian Nationalist. No, I don't want to establlish a Christian chruch like England has, because the Church of England is a hot-bed of communism!
There is NO SUCH THING AS A CHRISTIAN NATIONALISTS. PERIOD: but there is such a thing as radicalized left wing Marxists: The correct analogy would be the THEOCRACY like ISLAM where the Worship of God is integrated into the the GOVT's authority. The New Testament and the Old Testament do not ever claim that the Governmental laws is integrated with their Bible or the practice of Christianity or Judism like Islamism which is in fact a THEOCRACY. The use of the word Autocracy by Reiner is very deceptive. I am a Christian and have been for over 65 years. The words of Christ: Render unto to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and render unto God what is God what belongs to GOD. Mark 12:17.
There is NOTHING that has not been fully dealt with in the Old and New Testament including this latest attack upon Christianity. ALWAYS SEEK CHRIST's ANSWERS when attacked by satan and that is exactly what this is. I was born in again in 1975 and called back to my first calling about 15 years ago now that I am a retired Scientific Creationist and washed by the Blood of Yeshua, Back when I first came to know the Lord I took training using James Kennedy's technique and we had to memorize scripture verse when so we would be able to answer objections etc when we were presenting the Gospel (sharing the Good News). Let the HOLY SPIRIT show you the answer.. ! I love your ministry, Sean.. :) keep up the GOOD WORK. God is faithful and He is good. Break out your Spiritual armor and use your Spiritual weapons: THE WORD OF GOD!! :) Thanks for tackling this. I was very bothered when I heard that term and when I heard Mark Levin discuss it I realized WHY,, it is a satanic attack disguised by the secular humanist LEFT WING.! well I need to go. :) take care, Sean.
Nine Responses to Christian Nationalist Theology by Dan Hawk
(Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at Ashland Theological Seminary)
1. “The US is God’s chosen End-Time nation.”
The Church is God’s chosen end-time nation and has been for 2000 years (cf. Acts 2:14-21).
2. “God’s command that Adam ‘take dominion’ means that Christians must take dominion over all spheres of society.”
The creation commandment refers to taking dominion over creation, not over other human beings.
3. “US laws must be based on Christian principles.”
European kingdoms, governed by laws based on their view of Christian principles, was exactly what many immigrants were fleeing from.
4. “The United States is bound by a covenant with God.”
Following the biblical precedent, a covenant is established by a public ceremony between God and all the citizens of a nation. When did that happen? Only 17-20% of the population attended church services during the Revolutionary period.
5. “Christians are to establish God’s government on earth.”
The Old Testament reveals that a political system (the monarchy) ultimately fails to accomplish God’s mission. Which is why Jesus established a kingdom “not of this world.”
6. “The Founders believed that Christianity is a necessary pillar of American democracy.”
The Founders believed that *religion* is a necessary pillar – and protected its free expression. Which is why they always referred to “Providence” or “The Almighty” and never to “Jesus” or “the gospel” with reference to the US.
7. “God destined the US to be ‘city set on a hill.’”
The “city on a hill” image first occurred in a sermon to Puritan colonists, to exhort them to establish a commonwealth that would be an example to all other colonial commonwealths. It made no impact at the time but was referenced in a speech by JFK and subsequently taken up as a political slogan by Ronald Reagan.
8. “The Bible is a template that contains hidden codes revealing God’s will for today.”
The Bible is written by thinking people and for thinking people. Remember The Bible Code? Which revealed eerily accurate predictions of contemporary events, based on a statistical analysis of the Hebrew Bible? And how the author said he would be proved wrong if someone found assassinations of world leaders predicted in Moby Dick? And how a computer scientist did exactly that?
9. “God is revealing God’s will for America today through anointed prophets.”
The YouTube prophets are again declaring God’s electoral priorities through dreams, revelations, and decrees. Just like they did during the run-up to the 2020 election. How did that work out last time?
Please! Be careful, my dear brother in Christ! They are labeling you as a "Christian Nationalist" for a reason and it seems as if you are falling into thier trap. Now they can quote you as saying yes, I am.
I refer you to Glen Becks show on Christian Nationialism. It is a movement and they do NOT have the mindset of Christ.
Let’s hear your take, once you left your position at the church you have been weaponizing the Bible. Telling people to fight against the govt by fear mongering. You would love it if we cast out everything that isn’t Christian and every facet of society be Christian. Guess what, that’s Christian nationalism. You want to live like a Muslim nation where the laws follow the religion. That’s not America, its freedom of religion and society can do what they want. Good try though
You got it right!
Sean that was a bit wish washy to be honest you sound like your running for office. Putting out sound bites but no real substance. I'm no Biden supporter but didn't he come up with a good solution that the Republican were on board with about the border and Trump scutted it because he doesn't want the border issue solved now as he needs if to help him win. Hows that for I really care about my country.Wasn't Biden at the border yesterday and talking about practical solutions while Trump was mouthing off drivel without any real policy. Trump supporters are MAGA who will believe anything he says and rich people who dont care about anything but lower taxes.. He needs to win the middle ground to win and currently 30- 40% of republicans wont vote for him. So he will win teh nomination and probably the election. Having said that the dems are looking shakey with an elderly prez.
You misinterpret events
The border was under control by Trump
Biden fought & reversed every policy in place .
No I didn't like that at all.. actually.. if you are going to write on Substack you need to be more precise as to WHOM you are talking about. Your statement about the Border is total nonsense. The Border needs to be SEALED NOW. China, and Mexico have full operational control over our Border thanks to BIDEN. Trump supporters who are MAGA what does even mean to quote YOBAMA. MAGA means Make America Great Again.. quoted from Reagan. Trump did a decent job the first time and we need an AMERICA FIRST, shut the border, Open up the OIL pipelines. stop w the climate change nonsense and funding the ENTIRE WORLD.. My father and many of my friend's died in useless WARS .. the Democrats are the party of the WAR, and RACISM and I am tired of hearing the crap.. spewed by the Democrats who have allowed their "party" to be hijacked by the LEFT PRO PALESTINE maniacs who burned the streets down in 2020. I don't know what rock you lived under during the LOCK DOWNS.. but everyone is out and figured it out, perfect name you picked for yourself too. so you do have a brain,,
Oh dear you are getting worked up. Agree a country should not have people crossing a border undocumented. Trump didn't do much about it in his term even though he promised the earth and Mexico never paid a cent towards it. The wall was always a stupid idea you'd think theer must be technology that could monitor the whole border remotely now and have teams of ready reaction forces stationed along the border .
You sound very insular, the US has always been a force for good in the world defending those who have been oppressed by evil but now there is a movement amongst many in the country who say to hell with the rest of world. We dont give a rip. So you have Putin acting under the same spirit as Hitler did against Poland acting on false pretenses. The US is called to defend the weak and if it turns its back on the world I wouldn't be surprised if it went backwards economically. Both Trump and Biden did or are doing a terrible job on the deficit currently at 34 trillion which is insane and the average person cant even comprehend that amount of money.
Maybe the biggest problem is people dont have impartial sources of information now so you read stuff saying China controls the boderrer and Biden sacrifices children or something similar and left think anyone who speaks against the queer lifestyle absolutely hates all gays. So the country is divided by information flows
Trump said at his rally in Florida last night. That no. Terrorist came in under his watch now we have terrace pouring in this country ,trump didn't believe that but it was the border patrol that told him that was the truth. We added more secure butter under Trump than we do with Joe Biden. Cuz it was
the policy that said stay in Mexico.
No, he did not come up with a good solution for the border. The devil is in the details and there were a, lot of them buried in the bill. I am an Independent and keep myself well informed. I was an administrative law attorney and hearing officer. I read and interpreted statues for a living.
sorry need to correct mistake should have said "Trump will win the nomination but probably not the election unless something majot happens to Biden"
If Biden wins the election we no longer will have a country, my friend.
Why is that ? I could never vote fro him as hes not pro life and hes pro queer rights but hes doing OK on the economy. The problem with the Trump party that used to be called Republicans its now a RINO party is they have a terrible candidate.
The reason she's saying we won't have a country anymore is because when you put something last it doesn't mean anything to you. And you put something first. You mean it and you want to protect it. Protect the freedoms we have. Trump fights for our freedom. Joe Biden does not. Pro-life means pro-life not pro-choice Donald Trump
Thank you Sean for the clarity. The first time I heard that term was in 2020 during a message being delivered by a woke pastor at the mega church I was attending at the time. I’ve always been confused by the term. Thank you for clearing up that confusion. I do think it’s funny how the liberals try to make it derogatory. To me, there’s nothing derogatory about being a Christian or a nationalist. Put the two together and Bam! Powerful. 💪🙌
Great article. I would go further and point out that the demonization of Christian Nationalists is for a purpose greater than voter suppression. They don't just want a nation which has no borders, abortions on demand, and radical gender theory (they want so many things I can't list them). Demonization of your enemies is what allows you to do horrific things to them. They seem like they think for themselves, but they have given themselves over to a force greater than them. Their master seeks the destruction of America because he hopes to rebuild his Babel. He's so close to achieving it. And not only do we all have to speak the same tongue to recreate Babel, we all have to think like he does. As long as Christians exist, we are an existential threat to his plans. We don't fight humans, but spirits and principalities. Those that are captured by Satan need our prayers and they need us to tell the truth (even when they hate us and wish us dead.). Great article. Thanks for sharing.
You're insane
well said!
Agree with every word, Sean!
Thank you, Sean. I look forward to reading your next article on this subject. Truth wins always.
Progressive Christians do not hate Christian Nationalists. We hate what you are doing in the name of Christianity. Christians are not persecuted in America. They are privileged and seeking power only. You only follow the Right as prescribed by the 'golden calf' Trump and you've lost sight of Jesus'vision for the poor, the disenfranchised, the widow. Let's talk to Jesus about secure borders. He could have cared less. We hate that you are dictating one version of scripture interpretation on the rest of us, through usurping public policy in your Seven Mountains. We hate that your tunnel vision creates one culture war approach that does not speak for many. This is not what all Christians want to see. Many of us Christians simply see scripture differently, and there are thousands of interpretations of scripture. You act as 'holier than thou' and You are becoming pharisees, legalistic and tied to one man, Donald Trump and ONE interpretation of Scripture. You have stopped listening.
There were many political problems in the Roman Empire of Christ's day, and in Roman occupied Palestine. Christ did not talk about them. His message was, among other things, that there will be a resurrection from the dead and a day of judgment. He said "Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation." I wonder if your progressive Christianity includes this.
Christ did not tell the government how to govern - but Paul says in Romans chapter 13 that God has given governments the power to keep the peace. The duty of the American government is to secure the peace and safety of its citizens, not to save the planet or cause economic and political chaos by destructive polices. Specifically, Biden as President is supposed to be enforcing the laws concerning entry into the country. This is not what he is doing. He is arbitrarily picking and choosing which laws he feels like enforcing, which makes the law the whim of the President, with complete indifference to what the American people might want or think.
Full stop. Let’s define Christian first. Sometimes it’s better to describe what Christianity is not first.
Progressive Christians are not Christian.
Believe what you want but don’t highjack the name. Call it something else please.
Wow! Nothing controversial here, like you deciding who 'gets' to be a Christian! Clearly you know everyone's heart! Wow!
No, but God does “know” your heart
more than you do. There are either born again Christians or no Christians, but there is no such thing as a “Progressive” Christian, because that term defines what man wants, not what God wants. Regenerated Christians want what He wants because they’ve become a new creature in Christ. Progressive Christians aren’t born again.
Well let us trust that God knows my heart, and it is well with my soul. It is well, it is well, with my soul.
I am a Christian and an anti-globalist so therefore I am a Christian Nationalist. No, I don't want to establlish a Christian chruch like England has, because the Church of England is a hot-bed of communism!
There is NO SUCH THING AS A CHRISTIAN NATIONALISTS. PERIOD: but there is such a thing as radicalized left wing Marxists: The correct analogy would be the THEOCRACY like ISLAM where the Worship of God is integrated into the the GOVT's authority. The New Testament and the Old Testament do not ever claim that the Governmental laws is integrated with their Bible or the practice of Christianity or Judism like Islamism which is in fact a THEOCRACY. The use of the word Autocracy by Reiner is very deceptive. I am a Christian and have been for over 65 years. The words of Christ: Render unto to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and render unto God what is God what belongs to GOD. Mark 12:17.
There is NOTHING that has not been fully dealt with in the Old and New Testament including this latest attack upon Christianity. ALWAYS SEEK CHRIST's ANSWERS when attacked by satan and that is exactly what this is. I was born in again in 1975 and called back to my first calling about 15 years ago now that I am a retired Scientific Creationist and washed by the Blood of Yeshua, Back when I first came to know the Lord I took training using James Kennedy's technique and we had to memorize scripture verse when so we would be able to answer objections etc when we were presenting the Gospel (sharing the Good News). Let the HOLY SPIRIT show you the answer.. ! I love your ministry, Sean.. :) keep up the GOOD WORK. God is faithful and He is good. Break out your Spiritual armor and use your Spiritual weapons: THE WORD OF GOD!! :) Thanks for tackling this. I was very bothered when I heard that term and when I heard Mark Levin discuss it I realized WHY,, it is a satanic attack disguised by the secular humanist LEFT WING.! well I need to go. :) take care, Sean.
Nine Responses to Christian Nationalist Theology by Dan Hawk
(Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew at Ashland Theological Seminary)
1. “The US is God’s chosen End-Time nation.”
The Church is God’s chosen end-time nation and has been for 2000 years (cf. Acts 2:14-21).
2. “God’s command that Adam ‘take dominion’ means that Christians must take dominion over all spheres of society.”
The creation commandment refers to taking dominion over creation, not over other human beings.
3. “US laws must be based on Christian principles.”
European kingdoms, governed by laws based on their view of Christian principles, was exactly what many immigrants were fleeing from.
4. “The United States is bound by a covenant with God.”
Following the biblical precedent, a covenant is established by a public ceremony between God and all the citizens of a nation. When did that happen? Only 17-20% of the population attended church services during the Revolutionary period.
5. “Christians are to establish God’s government on earth.”
The Old Testament reveals that a political system (the monarchy) ultimately fails to accomplish God’s mission. Which is why Jesus established a kingdom “not of this world.”
6. “The Founders believed that Christianity is a necessary pillar of American democracy.”
The Founders believed that *religion* is a necessary pillar – and protected its free expression. Which is why they always referred to “Providence” or “The Almighty” and never to “Jesus” or “the gospel” with reference to the US.
7. “God destined the US to be ‘city set on a hill.’”
The “city on a hill” image first occurred in a sermon to Puritan colonists, to exhort them to establish a commonwealth that would be an example to all other colonial commonwealths. It made no impact at the time but was referenced in a speech by JFK and subsequently taken up as a political slogan by Ronald Reagan.
8. “The Bible is a template that contains hidden codes revealing God’s will for today.”
The Bible is written by thinking people and for thinking people. Remember The Bible Code? Which revealed eerily accurate predictions of contemporary events, based on a statistical analysis of the Hebrew Bible? And how the author said he would be proved wrong if someone found assassinations of world leaders predicted in Moby Dick? And how a computer scientist did exactly that?
9. “God is revealing God’s will for America today through anointed prophets.”
The YouTube prophets are again declaring God’s electoral priorities through dreams, revelations, and decrees. Just like they did during the run-up to the 2020 election. How did that work out last time?
Please! Be careful, my dear brother in Christ! They are labeling you as a "Christian Nationalist" for a reason and it seems as if you are falling into thier trap. Now they can quote you as saying yes, I am.
I refer you to Glen Becks show on Christian Nationialism. It is a movement and they do NOT have the mindset of Christ.
I continue to pray for you and your family.
Well let us trust that God knows my heart, and it is well with my soul. It is well, it is well, with my soul.
The founders were Christian nationalists.