Defining "Christian Nationalism"
The pen is mightier than the sword, and words are worth fighting for
There is a fierce debate within Christian circles about the influence and scope of so-called "Christian Nationalism." Some want to apologize for it, others want to embrace it, but who really defines "Christian Nationalism?" This is critical. We are fighting a battle not about ideology, but about the very language we use every single day. Truth doesn't change, but words certainly do.
A recent report from the Public Religion Research Institute claims that 55% of Republicans "qualify" as Christian nationalists. Did you catch that word? Qualify. We "qualify" as Christian Nationalists because they are creating the definition. I refuse to cede defining "Christian Nationalism" to those who weaponize and politicize the dictionary. If you can't properly define what a woman is, you lose the right to define "Christian Nationalist."
Let's unpack the term "Christian Nationalism." Separate it into its parts and something becomes clear; the people who define "Christian Nationalism" hate both. Christianity and Nationalism are anathema to the liberal ideology. The globalist mindset we see of our leaders pushing today was flatly rejected by God in Genesis. In Genesis 11, there was only one people and one tongue, and yet the Lord, "scattered them over the face of the whole earth." That's how globalism should be dealt with.
Despite the clear and documented Christian foundation America was built upon, the left hates Christians — at least Christians who follow Christian principles. Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are allowed to claim Catholicism but they refuse to follow the faith.
This past week, we saw a national political correspondent appear on television and label anyone who believes our rights come from God, not man, as "Christian Nationalists." Our media is so ignorant they ascribe the most basic philosophical principle, "Natural Law" to "Christian Nationalism."
The Bible is crystal clear on a host of political issues, from homosexuality to the unborn, as well as gender identity. All the left's positions on these social issues contrast with what the Bible says. It's no wonder Democrats want to label the Bible as "Hate Speech." The left is increasingly hostile to Christianity, and it won't be long until left-wing social policy is codified, and preaching the parts of the Bible that offend the left is criminalized.
Nationalism is not a dirty word. Nationalism is good. Look around the globe-- no other country is putting the United States above their own interests-- that would be ridiculous. We have allowed our inborn generosity to be exposed and exploited for far too long. It has been hijacked by the left. Supporting policies that prioritize and protect America should not be controversial. The left's dangerous push for globalism demonizes anyone with my kind of thinking. Secure borders are a good thing. It certainly isn't controversial among left-wingers to support strong borders in Ukraine or praise Ukrainian nationalism. What's acceptable in Ukraine is not acceptable here.
The Biden Administration has no regard for the sovereignty of America's borders. The left preaches compassion and demonizes conservatives as inhumane for wanting secure borders. But the rampant human trafficking, drug trafficking, and cartel-induced violence that the left's policies have produced are not the picture of compassion.
America is the greatest country in the history of the world, but I do not want to see America turn into a Theocracy, even a Christian one. Religious freedom is in America's DNA; the two cannot be separated. Like the Pilgrims who landed at Plymouth Rock longing for religious freedom, I too want to practice my religion without interference or persecution. And I want America to serve Americans, not other nations. If that makes me a Christian Nationalist, so be it.
But the insidious use of language by the left goes deeper than that. This is not simply name calling. It’s the left’s attempt at voter suppression. A Believer too discouraged to vote is a victory for the left. THAT’s their ultimate goal. Power. In my next post, I’ll talk about need for Believers to VOTE. Stay Tuned!
Let’s hear your take, once you left your position at the church you have been weaponizing the Bible. Telling people to fight against the govt by fear mongering. You would love it if we cast out everything that isn’t Christian and every facet of society be Christian. Guess what, that’s Christian nationalism. You want to live like a Muslim nation where the laws follow the religion. That’s not America, its freedom of religion and society can do what they want. Good try though
Sean that was a bit wish washy to be honest you sound like your running for office. Putting out sound bites but no real substance. I'm no Biden supporter but didn't he come up with a good solution that the Republican were on board with about the border and Trump scutted it because he doesn't want the border issue solved now as he needs if to help him win. Hows that for I really care about my country.Wasn't Biden at the border yesterday and talking about practical solutions while Trump was mouthing off drivel without any real policy. Trump supporters are MAGA who will believe anything he says and rich people who dont care about anything but lower taxes.. He needs to win the middle ground to win and currently 30- 40% of republicans wont vote for him. So he will win teh nomination and probably the election. Having said that the dems are looking shakey with an elderly prez.