I am not in USA but I am thankful for « Jesus People » awaked!!!

Do not give up, stay strong.

Thanks for all the through news, (as I am not watching television with my eyes) but my heart feels what you says. Sins 2020 I say again and again >>> we are world wide in the war. Jesus has wine for sure, but we have to stand with both legs on His level, If we don't, sooner or later we'll lose our balance. And we fall…

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The NFL is not football, it’s entertainment. Hollywood/entertainment is about the destruction of the western nuclear family.

Very young girls to middle-age women idol worship Taylor Swift (who does not purport to be a lover of God). It’s human nature to imitate the people you have a deep affection for.

A growing number of young girls/women believe you can have an optimal relationship with the opposite sex without ever being intimate. Unthinkable!

I believe the main reason for this is our country’s marxist anti-God ideology.

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Thank you for your article bringing the spiritual warfare to our attention. Let us stand against the devil and his antics in Jesus’ name!!!

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I used to like the nfl. The first time I saw players kneel for the Anthem I was done. I wouldn't watch the Super Bowl or the Grammys if I was paid to. I am done with all of it for many years.

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Yeah, there seems to be a disturbing trend of Taylor Swift-worship going on today. Some are more blatant about it than others: https://copleysteph.substack.com/p/i-found-religion-at-a-taylor-swift

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The cross was not upside down. That also was not satanic symbols. Oh my lord Jesus, help us all. 😅

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I’ll pray for you to turn to King Jesus & His Truth. You are incorrect on both counts. She was wearing an upside down cross, she is involved in witchcraft, and so is Taylor Swift.

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They have nothing else to pick on, they imagine things that are not there.

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Also praying for the church to wake up!!! The soul of this Nation is at stake,it is a spiritual battle.

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No one should have watched the NFL Stupor Baal LVIII… SPELLS were cast but stupified men continue to play and watch football. Foolishness! https://peter70x7.substack.com/p/nfl-stupor-baal-lviii

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This is absolutely ridiculous and you should be embarrassed for stooping to this level.

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🙌 Bless you for speaking out. 🙏✝️

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You Sean Feucht are 100% correct!! Our church gives in helping your Ministry.God has your back we continue to pray and cover you all with the Blood of Jesus.And pray Psalm 91 over you, your family and worship team.,✝️🙏🙏🙏🔥stay strong in the fight,The battle belongs to the Lord.

Psalm 104:30-35

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Honestly, that doesn't look like an upside down cross to me, so fortunately IF she was making a pro-Satan statement instead of a pro-Christ statement, I, and hopefully million of us, missed it and assumed the opposite.

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It is clearly an upside down cross in the video, where she lifts it and shows it off.

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Okay, thanks. But even if it was, I do think that the Devil was thwarted by many naive viewers like me thinking it was a cross that was pro-Christ. :-) Jesus always wins!

I do worry a bit about the debate around the meaning of the symbols could backfire. If people doubt Taylor and her friends worship Satan, then is she okay for kids? NO -- I think the immodest clothing, obscene language she uses, victim mentality in her songs focused on how men disappoint her, and blatant chugging of alcohol for the camera are sufficient reasons to know Taylor and her friends are not Christian role models for any age, but especially young girls.

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