I remember leaving in Lausanne (Switzerland) I did sowing and printing the Jesus people logo on my coud ( a black cape and made stickers. WoW and know I am 75 and may be will make a banner (as I work in the banner ministry from out of our mind banners). Many blessings let un be one like Jesus is one with the father, so the people will get the love of the father and revival is on earth as it is already in heaven. Hanna

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Yes, and I tell you my story for encouragement. I believe!! I grew up in SF and I've been on the East Coast and in Montclair, NJ for many years now. I've had so much growth as a Christian since the pandemic - I can hardly believe what God has done. You probably already know that our Governor is trying to make NJ like California with very extreme Sex Ed in the schools, censoring parents and going after us, and the list goes on and on. Anyway, I'm in a very progressive town here and I'm realizing I know these hippie type people as I was one of them. Strategically placed - I'm starting to understand.

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YEA, LR! You are there for such a time as this, praise God!

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Thank you, Sean, for your obedience! On July 14, 2019, I participated in a state-wide Bible reading across Georgia. As I drove home I had a conversation with God. He said to get on my knees every morning and pray for a Third Great Awakening. I was certain that this was from God! I prayed every morning, then in Jan 2020 I felt like he said to drive and claim it...I did. On March 15, 2020, Covid hit and I drove every day and prayed. I wept and prayed for things I had never thought of praying. Nov. 2019 God gave me Isaiah 43:18-19 and Zech 4:6. I took these verses and prayed and declared them over my area in 2020. In Sept of 2020, I went to DC for the Return and declared these verses over our nation. When I discovered you on FB in 2020, I knew God was at work in a far greater way than I could understand. I believe He is doing a new thing! I hope to worship with you one day.

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I love God and what he is doing through you and all of his people at this crucial moment in time. Thank you for heeding his word and promptings!! May God Continue to Bless America and the World with his Love , Mercy and Grace!

And May God Continue to Bless you and use you for his purpose!

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I am so extremely excited that our God, who is Almighty, is doing something that only He can do. At my age I remember the Jesus People Movement, and I was living in Australia at the time and it flowed across the ocean into our country. I am 72 now and I know how amazingly exciting it can be to watch the Spirit of God move...... May you be encouraged, stay strong... and see what our God is planning.

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Hello Lynette, I am 75 and new Jesus people as well in Europe a bit. It is 50 years I come back from 1 Y USA. Know in preyers I’m am travelling with Let us Worship. This awakening starts to flow to Europe.

God is awakening the whole world.

« The whole world is in his hand »

Greetings from Switzerland.

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I remember the Jesus People well, as I am a product of it today. My life experience is very similar to Greg and Cathe Laurie’s, minus the mega Church. I became a Christian during the 70’s after some pretty bad trips. I believe Jesus is the ONLY True answer to the situation we are in today. I hear that there is some sort of covert plan to restore America with some secret military operations, but unless we repent as a nation and turn to Christ, we are done, in my opinion.

I am so excited and encouraged by the work you are doing Sean! Praise God! I can’t wait until you come to our Statr Capital!!

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Thank you Sean for obeying, persevering and blazing a trail before us. I look forward to being with you in PA for Jesus! Revival! Hallelujah!!

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