This brought me to tears. I have been attending church. It made me feel good. It made me feel safe. It made me feel sheltered from the world. Then, I realized that was the problem. The church should be standing up and roaring like a lion against this evil, but the pastors are hiding beh8bd the sheep preaching friendship to the world. Gateway Church is one of them. I am done. I left the church and won't look back. We are the next generation of James. Even Jesus flipped the tables in the tabernacle. Most pastors have sold out to the comforts of private estates and corporate jets. They will ultimately answer for this.

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Well said! Ignite Church OC stands with you

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Absolute truth! 💯 The church needs to rise up. Remember the fish symbol back in the 90s swimming the other way, somehow churches have begun to swim in the same direction. Let's swim AGAIN the other way! Our kids and generations to come need us to. Thank you again, Sean for speaking truth and being bold.

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Apr 26, 2022·edited Apr 26, 2022

Thank you for standing up boldly and for putting the words down on 'paper' to what I've been thinking for a while as a newer believer. I just don't get it. It gives Christians a bad name when we say we believe the word, but our faith without works is dead! Also, Romans 12:2!

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100%Agree Sean! It’s time to take a bold stance for truth,especially concerning the church,schools/for our children… We say ENOUGH of worldly left ideology and indoctrination!! Thank you Sean for being a leader on the the front lines for Christ Jesus! God bless and protect your family/Psalm 91

Praying for our churches,schools /the babies/children/grandchildren/future generations to be supernaturally protected and all those teaching and parenting them to wake up NOW!


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I agree 💯 it is time to shake the dust off our feet and move on. We are we living in end times. Jesus help us to stand up for truth and be a light in the darkness.

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Thank you for sharing this, Sean! I have dual membership in 2 churches where the pastors are taking firm stands against talking about politics, or anything "divisive", i.e., opinions about the COVID virus and vaccines. We are supposed to be influencing every sphere of society, and be salt and light! I am connected to an intercessory prayer group that sees what is going on and I get support there, and in the local freedom groups I have joined (where I can share Jesus with those who don't know Him), but not from my pastors. I am also in the process of establishing a relationship with the only church I know of, in my entire blue state of MA, where the pastor is not afraid to stand up for righteousness from the pulpit. I am connecting with people who are taking the gospel out from behind the church walls and into the street. I don't understand why pastors seem to be agreeing with those who wanted to silence us, saying separation of church and state. Scripture tells us to "watch and pray", and be discerning of the times and seasons we are living in. It saddens me that pastors seem to be taking the stance "pray and ignore", and leaving their members floundering with no guidance to prepare us for the things that lie ahead in these last days. But Scripture talks about the apostate church in the last days, and I wonder if the true remnant Bride of Christ will bring a resurgence of house churches made up of people who come out of those churches where pastors are afraid to speak truth from the pulpit, for fear of persecution, or losing their 501c tax exempt status.

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There is nothing new under the sun. True Christianity ( emphasizes on true) has always created controversy. The problem is our western lukewarm mindsets. The church has been lulled to sleep by compromise and religion and the Lord is waking us up. For those who have ears to hear. We should have always been going against the grain. There is a division going on and the Lord has drawn the line. THE LORD! Not man. We are either with Him or against Him there is know grey area.

Luke 12:4-5 I tell you, My friends, do not dread and be afraid of those who kill the body and after that have nothing more that they can do,

But I will warn you whom you should fear: fear Him Who after killing, has power to hurl into hell ( Gehenna); yes, I say to you, fear Him!

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Sean you have done incredible work in each state and it has been very fun to follow you. I have been doing faith and freedom work also for the last couple years trying to keep people informed on tyrannical bills that are being passed and just trying to get people to rise up and righteously stand for freedom and for our God-given rights. I feel like everyone wants to get involved and help but they really need a call to action! A very clear call to action on what they can do to get involved. Possibly you could put A call out for strong leaders to rise up in each state they want to be as powerful as you are and work together to ignite Christians in their own state to bring a clear called action consistently. You have amazing platform that the Lord has given you and you can reach so many.

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Years ago, at the first Church I attended after accepting Jesus Christ, the Pastor said - "Fear of man is faith in the enemy". That's what is happening today in many churches. The Third Great Awakening is real - Thank you for taking the Word to the people, many who would most likely never step into a building. Just like 1906 - Herald the approach of the revival. Things seem to be too bad to last, The reign of evil becomes intolerable, Then the soul of the nation awakes! I was disappointed when you didn't win the election BUT God had greater plans for you!!! I live in upper CA but will see you in SD on May 7th!

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Thank you and God Bless you for saying what we need to hear.

Truth in love & courage ... God give us great wisdom and discernment for these times, grow us up from babes to kingdom warriors. Psalm 1, "Blessed is the man who does not walk in the councel of the wicked, or stand in the path of sinners, or sit in the seat of mockers..but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on that law he meditates day & night..."

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Keep fighting for the lives of the unborn & just born children and the sanctity of Christian faith, truth, and God’s teachings. 🙏❣️🙏

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Yes, I am sickened that the church has let these evil teachings to our young 4yo babies go on as long as they have. The abortion Holocaust has gone on way past what it should have. We need to stand up and fight for the souls of our children and hope by God it's not too late. I agree with you wholeheartedly, Sean. God Bless you for standing strong during these last days. 😇🙏❤️👍

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Most pastors are to busy pairing to acquire great personal wealth.... some sincere spiritual leaders have acquired tools to assist their ministry, but your conclusion that "most pastors have sold out to comforts is just mistaken. We've been pastoring for over 30 years and I don't know one pastor who fits your description. Most are there, every day, loving their flock, teaching the Word and seeking God for direction to fulfill His call for their ministry.

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It seems your “personal truth” is to wage “war” for a country that is of the world. Yet you are saying unfriend the world. Which is it Sean?

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